農業情報研究所狂牛病 >ニュース:2019年6月3日


BSEの原因を初めて解明か 研究 AFPBB 19.12.19

The emergence of classical BSE from atypical/Nor98 scrapie  PNAS 19.12.18

The origin of transmissible BSE in cattle remains unestablished. Sheep scrapie is a potential source of this known zoonotic. Here we investigated the capacity of sheep scrapie to propagate in bovine PrP transgenic mice. Unexpectedly, transmission of atypical but not classical scrapie in bovine PrP mice resulted in propagation of classical BSE prions.

Detection of prion seeding activity by in vitro protein misfolding cyclic amplification demonstrated BSE prions in the original atypical scrapie isolates. BSE prion seeding activity was also detected in ovine PrP mice inoculated with limiting dilutions of atypical scrapie.

Our data demonstrate that classical BSE prions can emerge during intra- and interspecies passage of atypical scrapie and provide an unprecedented insight into the evolution of mammalian prions


BSEの起源についての新しい見解と牛についてのBSE検査法(山内一也) 01.1.18