農業情報研究所環境水問題・干ばつニュース:2019年5月8 日

ヨーロッパの給水塔・スイス 水が足りない 気候変動と夏季の降雨減少で

Amid shortages, can Switzerland stay Europe’s ‘water tower’?,swissinfo,19.5.6

A village in western Switzerland has banned the construction of new houses because there is not enough drinking water to go around. A water supply expert calls this an “intelligent” decision that other communities should follow.

With its 1,500 lakes, 890 square kilometres of glaciers and countless rivers and streams, Switzerland should have no water supply problems. But in some places, inhabitants and farmers are regularly confronted with water shortages. This phenomenon will increase as a result of climate change and the predicted reduction in summer rainfall, researchers say.

A lack of drinking water has forced the small municipality of Enges in canton Neuchâtel, with its 270 inhabitants, to take precautions. In mid-April, the authorities decided to block a housing project for 140 people and to ban the construction of new houses for at least--------