
多国間主義、無差別・最恵国待遇に引導を渡すTPPに大筋合意 戦前回帰を許してはならない






 Statement by the President on the Trans-Pacific Partnership,White House,October 05, 2015




 「TPPは国家100年の計だ」「アジア太平洋に自由と繁栄の海築く」 産経 15.10.6




 とりわけ米国では、TPP協定の議会審議は次期大統領候補の指名争いが本格化する来年2月半ば以降にずれ込み、議員たちも11月の改選(下院議員全員と上院議員の3分の1)をにらみ、国民に不人気のTPPへの賛成票は投じにくい(TPP 10月2日合意でも米議会投票は早くて来年2月半ば 限りなく遠のく批准 パブリック・シチズン )。米議会の審議結果を待って正式な国会論議が始まるであろう(折角審議しても米国が批准しなければ何にもならないのだから)日本でも、聖域に関する国会決議*は守られたのか、国内対策はどうするのかの議論が紛糾、参院選を睨み議会審議が行き詰まる恐れがある。そうなれば、今回の「大筋合意」自体も無効になる。




















 Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Reached, but Faces Scrutiny in Congress,The New York Times,15.10.6


  Editorial:President Obama Needs to Make Case for Pacific Trade Deal ,The New York Times,15.10.6 


 Trans-Pacific Partnership: Good policy, bad politics?,The Washington Post,15.10.6 


Will Congress approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership?,The Washington Post,15.10.6


  • Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah):  “Closing a deal is an achievement for our nation only if it works for the American people and can pass Congress by meeting the high-standard objectives laid out in bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority.  While the details are still emerging, unfortunately I am afraid this deal appears to fall woefully short…. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the United States should not settle for a mediocre deal that fails to  set high-standard trade rules in the Asia-Pacific region for years to come.”

  • Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.): “The administration has put big business first, workers, communities and small businesses last.”

  • Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.):  “[O]nly a good agreement—and one that meets congressional guidelines in the newly enacted Trade Promotion Authority—will be able to pass the House. I am reserving judgment until I am able to review the final text and consult with my colleagues and my constituents.”

  • Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.):  “We have to get this agreement right, which is why no one should be surprised if the 90-day period results in additional changes, particularly since many of these issues are the subjects of bi-lateral negotiations. The most important objective is to get the strongest agreement that benefits American workers and the U.S. economy for generations. The role of Congress now is as important as ever.”

  • Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.):  ““In the weeks ahead, I will be examining the details of this agreement to determine whether it will provide the meaningful economic opportunities that Oregonians deserve, and that it reflects Oregon values.”

  • Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.):  “I am disappointed but not surprised by the decision to move forward on the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement that will hurt consumers and cost American jobs.”

  • Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.):  “In the months ahead, the Senate will review TPP & determine if it meets the high standards Congress and the American people have demanded.”

  • Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.):  “This trade agreement also has the potential to massively increase the amount of America’s natural gas that can be exported with automatic approvals, which could drive up U.S. prices and hurt American consumers, businesses and our national security. We can have free trade, but only if it is fair trade.  I look forward to robust debate in Congress on this agreement that will impact nearly every American worker and business.”

  • Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.):  “[M]uch about the Trans-Pacific Partnership remains unknown.”

  • Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio):  “Because these negotiations have been done in secret and without meaningful consultations with Congress, it is hard to say exactly what USTR has agreed to in Atlanta.”

  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.):  “This deal was hatched in secret behind closed doors so I look forward reviewing it and seeing if it’s another unfair trade deal that stacks the deck against Wisconsin workers…. The people of Wisconsin deserve more than the same failed promises from unfair trade deals that lead to job losses.”

  • Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.):  “I applaud the work of Ambassador Froman and the other trade ministers in closing the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  This historic 21st century agreement will set the trading rules for this region and 40 percent of the global economy.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.):  “The TPP offers a historic opportunity to reduce trade barriers, open new markets, promote made-in-America exports, and keep American companies competitive in one of the most economically vibrant and fastest-growing regions in the world. By ending more than 18,000 import tariffs and removing additional trade barriers, the TPP will strengthen the American workforce and make our economy more competitive and prosperous.”